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ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed Study Plan For Student

MzB B2

ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed

Hello and welcome to study with superior digital classroom IMTS oudy there's obviously a lot of disappointment at the decision of the ICC Council to postpone the examinations between 19th of March and the 31st of March in the case of ISC class 12 students now students have been writing to ask what should we really do between now and 31st and what will be the kind of time table that they will get from the 1st of April whenever the exams are scheduled now obviously this is almost like a rain break in between an interesting cricket match because all of you were working with a lot of enthusiasm there was intensity and most importantly there was a momentum that you had built up right before the 27th of February when the examination started.

ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed Study Plan For Student

ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed Study Plan For Studant

Through the examination but remember what I had said in an earlier video that focus on the first five examinations because they are akin to your top order batsman they have to do most of the heavy lifting they have to score most of the runs so now look at look at this as a positive because now you have got an opportunity to train the lower order batsman also to be able to score a bulk of the runs so that is how you should be looking at it in fact many of you have been asking whether this entire thing is fake news

And I'm glad you actually questioned whether something is fake news or for true because and not believe anything that comes from the University of whatsapp that's a good sign but yes this is there on the ICSC website and also many schools many students have written to me forwarding what their principals have informed them about now what does this mean it essentially means that you're for examinations geography Hindi the optional subject it could be computers or economics or physical education or yoga

And biology just a duel for the 30th of March has got affected those are the 4 subjects which will now be reassured you will for any time from the 1st of April so the question obviously arises is what do we do in this 12 day gap ok it started raining probably it's all a good sign right ok now two things here you should not let the intensity drop but more than you should do is what you should but what you should not do that's more important.

ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed

ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed Study Plan For Studant

What you should not do is to go out and do mixing with friends and party this is the time to do social distancing so do not go out of there your home maintain your social distancing keep to home keep to your studies do not let the intensity drop number two what you should now do is to actually work out your own timetable think of it like this

And if you want me to make it timetable I could do it for you think of it like this today we are recording on the 19th of March think of the geography exam on the 21st the optional subject the computers economics exam say on the 24th then the 27th exam for Hindi and finally the biology exam on 30th so you work according to the same schedule and study accordingly prepare your schedule in such a way that you are working to a target working to a deadline that's all you need to train your mind so that your mind does not move away from your academics because remember.

ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed

ICSE Class X Board Exams Postponed Study Plan For Studant

This is something very important so pay attention it's quite possible because see all this does not have a precedent it's quite possible that the board will not be in a position to give you much of a gap between your exams so do not expect a three to four day gap between say your Hindi and biology exam again it could be on consecutive days or at best you could have a one-day gap so whatever you prepare now is actually going to do well for you when you actually give your exams anytime after the first of April so that is something which you need to keep in mind yes you do not need to probably study for 10 hours now you could reduce it to say 6 to 7 hours but that is something which you need to keep your focus on not suddenly go off on a tangent

And start watching movies on Netflix or Amazon or start watching a lot of television or start going back to your social media don't do that ensure that you maintain your intensity if you have done the first six exams very well this is your chance to ensure that you can do even better in your overall ICSC if you have if a couple of your first six exams have not gone down gone very well this is your chance to make him 

So look at it as the glass half instead of looking at as the glass half-empty remember this is not a very ideal situation coronavirus is a very serious situation so whatever the government is doing whatever the council is doing it is in the interest of students so look at it in a positive way look at it positively and try to take the best of the situation try to make the best of the situation thank you very much for watching all the best you.

Nirbhaya Case Latest News Current News

MzB B2
Nirbhaya Case Latest News

with that line and saying this is the rarest of the rare cases death needs to be given to the net our rapist now at 1:00 p.m. finally we shall know what happened the last leg of the judicial journey in the nude Navy our case the rapists need to be hanged

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

Nirbhaya Case Latest News Current News

That's what our demand has been Richard joining us from the newsroom Richard we saw the short very important points made by the Solicitor General it's clear that they're demanding death nothing less than death and the argument that they've said God Christ this girl could not be saved monsters were born it's clear now it's time for death for nearby rapists absolutely rhythm in fact these are very strong words 

And arguments that the Solicitor General's ducharme Mehta has made he bigoted began the saying that gods will hang their heads in shame for not being able to save nearby and creating these monsters he went on to say that these are rarest to the rare case clearly making his arguments his his arguments were not very long as that of the accused lawyer but it was very short

And he in fact signed off saying that God's cry that this girl could have been saved and also that monsters were born so no mercy should be given in this entire matter clearly making a stand clear that there should be no mercy given to these accused they must be hanged and soonest as we all have been you're at Republic also demanding that they should be in fact given the strictest of the state punishment

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

All these four accused must be hanged in fact 1 p.m. is when the searing will begin the verdict will be given by the Supreme Court on the review petition plea filed by the accused one of the accused that's when we will really know what the court decides on this entire matter and also another observation coming in from the Solicitor General here when he says this is just a delaying tactic that's been there in the court the court the Solicitor General has made a point where he says

And I'm going to read that point out there is delay in filing of this case the lawyers for the accused are trying to delay the inevitable they file some petition then they file mossie and then they were draw it I urge your Lordships he's urging the top court to decide this at the earliest taking his points into consideration the top court of the country has now said 1:00 p.m. in nearly less than one in the half as the final verdict on the review please going to be coming in from the top court our fingers across that this final hurdle will be crossed the review plea will be dismissed a ghastly attempt by the lawyers

And by the rapist akshay taco to try and delay the system further the words that have been used by the Solicitor General right now clearly spark off the kind of anger that is being felt across India he's not even arguing about what has been stated by near BIA but ap Singh's arguments were one mother gets some solace other forum others lose their sons this is revenge the real culprit is the society ridiculous arguments that continue to be given by AP saying the court heard them but very interestingly the Solicitor General of India didn't even find them worthy of comment he's not commented on it the only thing to solace the general has right now said it is the rarest of the rare case no pity needs to be shown here some people should not have been born there are crimes when Humanity is put to shame 

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

Nirbhaya Case Latest News Current News

That for me is the real essence of a 1r hearing on the review plea that comes out from the Supreme Court when Humanity is put to shame and monsters are born and young innocent girls cannot be saved justice needs to be done this seems to be the sentiment that is being echoed by the Solicitor General of India who makes an appearance in the nearby review case

And says give death at the earliest dismiss this case at the earliest viewers at Republic TV there have been two demands that we've been having on rapists hang the rapists now the hashtag hang rebel rapists and secondly we've been saying there has to be a live telecast of this so that heinous crime that was committed by them is clearly shown 

And people are able to see what's happening in the case let's also tell our viewers that in the near via case today in the morning we saw beastly arguments being made by lawyer AP Singh but inside a jam packed courtroom that was hearing the nearby a rapist plea when he spoke about air and water pollution some people some lawyers could not stop laughing I only wonder 

And I'm going to try and get a sense of whether Asha Devi and madrina ji are going to be coming here right now but the only sense we are getting is of immense pity for certain lawyers who can make these garbage arguments as we are waiting for that verdict let's also tell our viewers that in fact I'll also go across to Nalini who is joining us on this coverage to get a sense of what happened inside court room not only you heard the arguments what is the shock that you felt here. 

Corona Virus Tips and Latest News

MzB B2
Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Hi guys black scout survival I've got a lot of questions in emails and things like that the past few days asking about the coronavirus and so I thought that I should just do a article people just asking me what they should do kind of like what's going on with my thoughts on how to protect against it so we give you three things three tips so the Corona Virus you don't know has come out of a Wuhan China you know there's been over a thousand confirmed cases

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Five here in the US and those five people came from the Wu hen and China and so that's Arizona California Illinois Washington and this is as of January 26 so that's the confirmed cases is it a pandemic now could it be we don't know you know but basically right now in my area the flu has been horrible and so I've been kind of taking these precautions anyway you know I mean I feel like with a little girl and it also wouldn't get her sick you know cuz flu can kill infants and you don't even have to take that risk so anyhow give you three tips first off we're gonna start off with staying home you know I think that's pretty self-explanatory

And it's easier said than done right and I'm not saying you know don't go to work don't go to school whatever you're doing you know but mitigate the risk so if you're not you know if you don't need to go out to eat you know if you don't need to go grocery shopping or shopping get you know pick up you know a lot of places are pick ups now you can order your stuff that you need online you know my family's been doing that lately just or anything so I'm not going out to eat cooking more at home things like that mm-hmm just to kind of protect 

And not put myself into situations you know even we don't haven't even been going out as a family like you know my wife Robert trade one of us goes out you know make sure we kind of decon hold us we get back and it sounds silly but haven't got the flu you know and or coronavirus if it was to get bad you know the thing is any kind of pandemic maybe maybe not is it you know so I'm gonna be the coronavirus it could be something else and you can think all the stuff silly you'll be the guy that's in the hospital bleeding out your face you know getting put in body bags so um I'm just joking but you know I'd say these things serious you know cuzuh people are nasty people don't you know take care of themselves you know they're not clean just to the bathroom people aren't washing their hands you know I've seen it just as well as I'm sure you have as you know don't travel you know obviously vacation stays I go in the airport some you may have to travel for work so uh I think two weeks ago I had to fly out I was hired by a television show to go up work with them so I had to fly and have a choice so uh but what I did do was carry a mask you know a little I want those psychos in the airport you know Oh see these psychos but the thing is I don't care I don't care what anybody thinks about me I care about me.

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

My family you know the n95 is what's recommended and off sale recommend that as well we keep a sleeve at home in case so I comes over to the house of sick any of us and the family is sick they're wearing you're wearing a mask in my house you're sick you're wearing a mask you know well I've got sick she's wearing a mask it's my rule so uh that's how it is so going along segue into the next portion is protection we're masks you know protective equipment gloves things like that glasses you know of what I've read is that the corona virus can be you know passed off up to seven feet

And you know a lot of victims don't even show that their symptoms within the first few days so they can have it and be passing it around and not show symptoms um whenever you're at a gas pump you know this is something that no I thinks about you touching that pumps my six just rub their nose and snotty and touch that thing right before you did let's go ahead and eat so use gloves use a paper towel whenever you go get your Big Mac from McDonald's I'm just kidding get the you know get some pepper tiles in your vehicle you use that the whole you know you know hold the gas pump touch the numbers all the sort of things though you're not passing getting all those germs

And bacteria from other people you know people are nasty like I said just just take a look around people don't cover their mouth then you know there's snot all over their frickin hands for touching you know the door handles things like that don't touch door handles you know you use a paper towel use gloves whatever like I said I don't care if you think I'm weird whatever I'm not the one that's gonna be dead you know disinfect your gear when you get home like your cell phone obviously you know studies show cellphones are disgusting anyway but uh you know sanitize those keys anything that you may be sitting down you know around maybe your sunglasses whatever you're sitting down at different places you're going sanitizers items sanitizer door knobs at home you know keep people from out of here out of your house it's not you know doesn't need to be there they may be sick you know I actually had a some guy coming to do some work in my house so he was sick I told him just get we're gonna reschedule you know you're not coming to my house so I just just do those sort of things you know in the Marine Corps you know we did not touch our faces in boot camp 

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

I'm I'm sure you know a lot of Marines remember that you know it's a discipline thing but it's also the fact is you not such a face you got you run a bunch of nasty people and everybody's uh you know getting sick you know you say sick a lot of times in a boot camp that's how it is a lot of you guys that know and then even various schools after that where you're like crowning a barracks you know

And everybody's nasty so we're on a ship tell me about that ship flu you know educate is probably one of the biggest ones cuz you know you can do all the stuff in the world when your kids are school and they're around all those nasty other kids you know or daycare or wherever they're at your wife's at work your husband's at work and they're not taking these precautions educating them on these precautions you know let them know that hey this is about protecting us

And who cares if people thing is weird you know I'm not saying they do this year round but while things are nasty do it you know and so you know in going on with the work being sick one thing I had a boss one time and he was like uh you know hated people being off work for being sick you know obviously I was super on you know the mission is the most important thing so one guy comes to work he's sick he's got the flu next thing you know everybody's got the flu you know

And the missions not going to accomplish them it's stupid don't be one of those managers you know if you got a position of authority that you can you know control these things sin they that a guy or gal home let them recover you know and don't get the rest of the team sick you know who's a selfish greedy mindset let him go home you know don't don't affect the mission affect team you know stupid but manners should do it you know so if you're in that position don't do that okay look out for your guys to come for your team it'll better help me mission anyhow guys hope you enjoyed this video I'll put the CDC link so you stay up to date with all the details below.

Idris Elba Movie

MzB B2
Idris Elba Movies Cats

Hats is the newest Film from director Tom Hooper and it is based off of the 1981 Andrew Lloyd Webber musical of the same name this film follows a tribe of cats who must decide yearly which one of them will ascend to the heavens side layer and who will come back to a new life on July 18 2019 the world cracked in half I don't know if you knew that but it did

Idris Elba Movies Cats

That's because Universal Studios debuted their first look at their upcoming cat's film in the form of a trailer and the world went insane everyone was both immediately disturbed and confused at what their eyeballs were seen and I can tell you after seeing this movie firsthand in its entirety I don't think that that line of thinking has really changed too much for myself now I have never seen a live performance of cats so going into this movie I didn't really know too much about the story

And I'm glad that I didn't because I think even if I did I don't think that really anything could have prepared me for what I was about to experience on the big screen and that's because Tom Hooper's cats is so impossibly bad and such an incredible failure that it's kind of spectacular to watch from start to finish seeing how I really had no idea of what the narrative of this film would be there was no way that I could have possibly known that this movie really isn't about anything we have our protagonist Victoria who arrives on the streets of what is I assumed cat London and she is introduced to a bunch of feisty felines that also roam the streets

And they introduced her to a bunch of wacky characters who live throughout the city and that's pretty much it because I think every scene in this movie could be described in saying that Victoria is somehow introduced to a new wacky character they sing a song about their personality or their habits and the song is usually centered around their own name they part ways Victoria is introduced to another kooky character they also sing a song

And then they do this for about two more hours and then the credits begin to roll and it's once I began to notice this pattern that I found it really difficult to get invested in this movie because there's no real development for anyone in the film and said this film ops to tell what is our sixth ended metaphors regarding the afterlife but I think the problem in encouraging your audience to dive a bit deeper into this movie is that you're making them continue to think about the movie cats but honestly though I found this movie to be absolutely dreadful

Idris Elba Movies Cats

Idris Elba Movie

I don't even want to begin to be thinking about what this movie may or may not be saying this whole movie is just the same scenes repeated over and over again with some good to average songs sprinkled throughout it but the thing is I don't think I can even attribute some of the very mildly successful things that this film pulls off because for example the songs of this movie are nearly 40 years old this movie only introduces one new song that is performed by Taylor Swift in this movie well I'm convinced that the only reason that she is in this film is so the studio can say just that Taylor Swift is in this movie she shows up for however long the duration of the song is

And then she kind of just leaves she introduces the antagonist of this movie who's been around throughout the entire duration of the film and if we're being really honest here no amount of extended metaphors or catchy songs are able to fix the fact that my eyes are bleeding throughout the entire movie now look yes I understand that musicals are on the upswing lame is was a huge critical success as was lala land and the greatest showman made way more money than it deserved to but I think we can all agree that maybe making a live-action cats movie that follows a gang of kittens on the street of London that may or may not be an extended metaphor for the afterlife directed by the guy who made a King's Speech and stars Jason Derulo probably wasn't the best idea 

Idris Elba Movie

And worst of all I think Universal knows that that's why they put it on the same week in his Star Wars because they're actively trying to bury this movie can't be honest after seeing this movie I can't blame them so did you guys see cats what did you think about it leave your thoughts and opinions down below and as always guys thank you so much for watching today I hope you liked today's article.

Section 144 crpc

MzB B2
Section 144 crpc

Hello and welcome back to another listen listen Section 144 of the CRPC is back in news again it is being alleged that this Section was misused by the center as a weapon for political purposes against critics at the national and state levels so in today's discussion we shall try and understand more about Section 144 its historical background the need for this law Supreme Court guidelines on the issuance of this law and the implications Section 144 has now become very familiar to people thanks to its recent invocations by the police forces

What is Section 144 CRPC

Section 144 crpc

This Section was invoked in order to contain the massive public protests against the recently passed citizenship Amendment Act so what is Section 144 then C guys basically Section 144 is an exceptional power of the state machineries borrowed from the colonial land and why I say exceptional is because it gives unfettered powers to the state machineries to impose restrictions or sanctions against an individual or the whole public in general now who can issue orders under Section 144 of the CRPC see this section gives power to a district magistrate or a sub divisional magistrate or any other executive magistrate on behalf of the state government to issue orders

And please note here that such orders can be issued to an individual or the general public in a particular place or area to abstain from a certain act or to take certain order with respect to certain property in his position or under his management now you might all want to ask one question that is can this law not be misused since it is left with the state government to impose based on its own will yes certainly there are concerns over this

And precisely to address these concerns certain conditions have been put in place during the imposition of this law as per this Section the order can be passed only if such magistrate considers that the direction is likely to prevent obstruction annoyance or injury to any person lawfully employed second danger to human life health or safety third disturbance of the public tranquility or a riot or a fray but when we have a closer look we understand that even these conditions were not sufficient to prevent its misuse recently the entire state of Uttar Pradesh the population of nearly 200 million was placed under Section 144 and even Bengaluru police commissioner justified Section 144 saying that fundamental rights can be curbed when inconveniences cost to others see Prevention of a crime or riot is the duty of the administration. 

Section 144 CRPC

Section 144 crpc

Power conferred under Section 144 is absolute in terms of maintaining law and order and once Section 144 of the CRPC sees imposed in any area all civilians are barred from carrying of weapons of any kind including latus sharpest metallic objects or firearms in public places and no order under Section 144 shall remain in force for more than two months but the government may extend the duration of restriction imposed under Section 144 beyond two months but not exceeding six months in one stretch and besides violation of Section 144 is liable for punishment up to three years in jail so this takes us to the next question that is can this power be exercised by the executive officer on a mere subjective satisfaction regarding likelihood of danger and before getting to the answer of that question it needs to be kept in mind that the orders under this provision will lead to the infringement of fundamental rights to freedom of speech expression assembly 

And movement guaranteed under article 19 and hence clearly the orders under Section 144 have to meet the test of reasonable restrictions as per article 19 and please note on this fact here for your problems that is the restrictions mentioned in article 19 are defamation contempt of court decency or morality security of the state friendly relations with other states incitement to an offense public order

And maintenance of the sovereignty and integrity of India and next to ascertain whether a restriction on liberties guaranteed under article 19 is reasonable or not the Supreme Court has developed the test of proportionality here proportionality test is a legal method used by courts especially constitutional courts to decide hard cases that is cases where legitimate rights collide for example the between the DPSP 

And the fundamental rights and in such a case a decision necessarily leads to one right prevailing at the expense of another and in modern dental college case of 2016 the Constitution bench of Supreme Court held that a law imposing restrictions will be treated as proportional only if it is able to satisfy few conditions so as per the Supreme Court such a law imposing restrictions will be treated as proportional only if it is meant to achieve a proper purpose one - if the measures taken to achieve such a purpose are rationally connected to the purpose and lastly only if such measures are necessary.

Section 144 CRPC

Section 144 crpc

This means the law imposing restrictions will not stand if it fails to satisfy these conditions and the Supreme Court did not stop at this to further put some safeguards in puts amitis of 2017 the Supreme Court laid down a four fold test to determine proportionality that is a measure restricting a right must have a legitimate goal second it must be a suitable means of furthering this goal third there must not be any less restrictive but equally effective alternative

Fourth the measure must not have a disproportionate impact on the right holder and these four stages are classified as legitimate goal stage suitability or a rational connection stage necessary stage and lastly the balancing stage so in a nutshell the law imposing restrictions will stand only if it is able to fulfill these conditions that is the conditions imposed under modern dental college case and puts Wommack is so the legality of the orders passed under Section 144 CRPC will be tested on the basis of these principles of reasonableness 

And proportionality and also as held by the Supreme Court mere apprehension of danger is not a sufficient ground to curb citizens rights by invoking Section 144 of the see CRPC this means there should be genuine apprehension of imminent danger and not mere likelihood or tendency now what are the main concerns surrounding this law well in the first place we should be mainly worried because this law was prepared and enacted during the British colonial rule which means the objective of this law then was to suppress the freedom struggle by stifling dissent and opposition so today the contradictory approach of article 19 and the Section 144 of CRPC is a reflection of a colonial legacy

And the unquestioning adoption of most of the provisions of the 1872 Code of Criminal Procedure by the contemporary Indian state now the main concern today is that administration's frequently cite powers under Section 144 of CRPC to prohibit assemblies of five or more individuals or to order mobile phone companies to block voice SMS or Internet communications in one or more small or large geographical areas now recently as protesters against this citizenship amendment act hit the street in large numbers the state government's sought to tamp down on the demonstrations by issuing prohibitory orders under Section 144 and the main criticism surrounding the imposition of Section 144 is that it is too broad.  

China Stock Market Crash

MzB B2
China Stock Market Crash

Hello and thanks for checking out chart guys comm we're proud to be one of the most successful analysis communities online teaching you the skills to become a more confident effective and informed trader join our community of hundreds of analysts worldwide working together to learn the charts generate profit and achieve financial independent for access to daily live chart analysis and market coverage a thriving chat community along with dozens of hours of exclusive educational materials we look forward to seeing you let's check out some charts they trade in friends checking in on the S&P 500.

China Stock Market Crash in 2020

Broader markets significantly week day we have clearly undergone a sentiment shift a momentum shift a cycle shift and the Bears have come out to play so there's a lot to be looking at in the bigger picture for me I'm focusing on two time frames the hourly downtrend which is my guide for swinging my espy excess position from Thursday which I am still in

the weekly uptrend so for any individual name those are the two time frames that I'm looking at right now so what do we want to talk about a whole lot of stuff I'll talk about my personal trades in just a second because I'm trying a new style that is working with my conviction of holding these swing trades longer-term knowing that I have to sit through bounces let's start that out right now so for me my problem is running the chair guys running the chatroom live-streaming multiple times a day I'm always in front of the computer and I see bounces shaping up on the hourly time frame so if I say to myself I'm gonna hold s pxs as long as we are in a downtrend on the hourly time frame for spy I know that I have to sit through hourly oversold bounces and watch my account value drop I don't like that so what I have been doing today most notably is getting into positions where I would enter spxl while holding s PX s because s PX s the bearish ETF I'm basing it off the hourly time frame and I was entering spxl trades based on the shorter term time frames so what I did here at the end of the day just an example is I was looking at this setup for the support to hold here 

A bit of an inverse head and shoulder setup and I ended up entering I was a little bit later than I wanted to be but I saw this little two-minute lower low with no follow through this green candle and I said alright I'm entering spxl and I'm putting my stop under this 2-minute low very low risk if I'm wrong and I stop out I take a small loss on spxl in my account grows because of my SP excess position if I'm right in this instance my spxl position was greater than my SP excess position so I made money even though my position my portfolio was all gold GLD and SP access my account value went up on this bounce because I had a bigger spxl position I exited it before live-streaming at the end of the day so I could focus on things I used this two minute volume climax as my signal to exit and then the account continued to grow at the end of the day on this pullback so it might be counter intuitive for some people saying why are you holding Bull & Bear at the same times it's the difference of time frames and for me it worked really well today I'm gonna do it more to keep conviction on longer-term trades while still capitalizing on short-term volatility so we had the five minute downtrend on spy we had to gap down open for buying first thing brokers were really slow we could anticipate that was gonna be the case because we knew it was gonna be a big volume day and I ended up trying to enter Tesla right at the open and fidelity rejected my order.

China Stock Market Crash

China Stock Market Crash

There were a lot of issues on a lot of brokers but we ended up with a five minute higher low bull flag attempt fail the high of the day loss of support we never saw a five minute higher low and higher high the entire morning the entire afternoon until pretty much after 1:30 so that means we had four hours of five-minute lower highs and lower lows all morning which again helped keep my conviction as a bear knowing that we are still in a very clear hourly downtrend so I will continue to hold SP excess as long as we are in an hourly downtrend I personally am comfortable buying extreme dumps when daily RSI is oversold as well and if you remember the end of December 2018 where I was scaling in

Buying that dip it's because the daily RSI was so beat up so I'm not ready to go bullish and look to buy tips yet the hourly RSI is out the window for me I don't care what the hourly RSI is saying it's proven to me that it is no longer useful in this current market cycle the previous market cycle hourly RSI in the 20s mid to upper 20s was a great buy signal but we know that that's out the window now because this is not the same market environment that we have been trading in the past few months this is now most comparable to the end of December 2018 dumped so if you want comparisons how did it play out then what did gold do then what did the volatility index do that's where you want to be compared to we are still in a weakly uptrend for spy this support level of 320 73 is the level that the Bulls must hold we ended today with an hourly lower high being set

and a week closed Bears would love another gap down open it's all about 320 73 tomorrow if that level holds were then going to be watching for a head in shoulders for all of the next couple of weeks if it doesn't hold we lose the weekly up 10 for the first time in 14 months which is a notable shift in the market if we lose the weekly uptrend I'm going to zoom out and watch the monthly uptrend knowing that anything above 2 84-82 is a monthly higher low and we're not anywhere near losing the monthly up China at this point so short-term the hourly downtrend is guiding my current positions not GLD we'll talk about in a minute and longer-term 320 73 weekly support is the most important level a lot of individual names today formed the low of the day the high of the day an hourly higher low and then an hourly lower high some names like spy and the financial sector dropped to lower lows so it's important to distinguish who formed an hourly high or low.

China Stock Market Crash

Who dropped to a lower low in the middle of the day we can make a list names that have the higher low on the hourly or stronger than names that don't so that's my current gameplan I will be looking to buy dips in this market pullback if we gap down open tomorrow I'll be interested because the four-hour RSI will be down in the teens the daily RSI will be close to oversold but not there just yet but I'm being a little bit picky as a bullets it's time to be a bear for me personally it's been a long time hi WM one 6003 is the weekly support level and the difference here is a break of one 6003 would then confirm the weekly downtrend if spy breaks three 2073 support we lose the uptrend but we're not confirming a downtrend yet if we're gonna confirm a weekly downtrend spy has to at some point bounce fail the all-time high and then drop to a lower low IWM is already looking to do that high low lower high and if one 6003 breaks we are then in a weekly downtrend so that is the key support level hourly resistance high of the day did break at the end of the day but only by eight pennies that's a double top Bulls would have to hold the low up today

and break the high o today to change the hourly trend tomorrow when we change our early trends we zoom out and we look for a daily lower high to be set on the bounce trading view have some of these big upper wicks on these daily candles we have to ignore those and zoom in if we want the actual high of the day QQQ held up better than the financial sector today lower the day high the day on the same starting candle higher low we didn't drop to a low of the day lower high hourly equilibrium to end things where as XLF how early lower low was very clear a couple times today I used Excel F and QQQ as a bit of a visual guide to say okay are the Bulls gonna be strong on this bounce are both of these sectors breaking their high of the day

and first thing this morning XLF had a double top that was the first initial little red flag it ended up breaking it eventually but clues to be gathered by watching how these two sectors are interacting with each other and clear hourly lower highs on XLF XLV all about 98 81 that is our weekly support it will be a double top and a loss of the weekly uptrend if that level breaks so just like IWM XLV has the potential to enter a weekly downtrend all about 98 81 another factor is this all coronavirus or is this Bernie gaining as the front in the Democratic Party doesn't matter it's both 

China Stock Market Crash

China Stock Market Crash

The price action is what matters most the headlines definitely spiking some fear with coronavirus but without a doubt the more likely it becomes that Bernie Sanders is going to be a the Democratic candidate and B has a potential chance to win the presidency the market will start pricing that in months in advance before the election and there are trades that we can make based on who's going to win if Trump's gonna win the markets likely going to respond bullish if Bernie's gonna win we're gonna look to short the biotech sector we're gonna look to go long the MJ sector there's gonna be all kinds of plays but that is nine months away at this point too far enough for me to care about we could all be dead xbi loss of the daily up up trend weekly timeframe anything above 80 805 is a weekly high or low Bulls have a lot more space above this weekly support level than a lot of other names do but it does have the double top as well double top by three pennies must hold ad 805 or it is a clear shift in momentum s MH 136 96 weekly support look how many of these major sectors are right on the verge of their weekly support trying to battle to defend this weekly uptrend while bears are trying to knock that uptrend loose 196 136 96 hour the time frame high of the day double top at the end of the day and back down towards our early support tightening our the equilibrium the VIX huge day and a fairly strong close how will the uptrend still intact hourly higher low of 20 to 90 bulls need to break 26 40 and then we're looking back at December 2018 levels 3620 we changed the weekly trend higher low higher high took out a bunch of short-term levels or levels over the last few months 

And now it's all about December 2018 levels there will be an opportunity to short the volatility some volatility sector just like there'll be an opportunity to go long stocks eventually just not sure we're there yet golde big bold move vol climax big upper wick we've seen this before this was on a Sunday when this happened this is a Monday for our uptrend still intact exponential 12 period support still holding if we lose the four-hour uptrend we zoom out 

And we look for a daily high or low to form tons of space for the daily and weekly uptrend my GLD position long-term is based on the weekly uptrend my stop is under 1547 and I will move it up if we set a weekly high or low gold on this move has come within 14% of all time highs it's gonna be a race to see who can hit all-time highs first gold or Bitcoin silver big upper wick for our up tens intact lose the four-hour uptrend we zoom out 

China Stock Market Crash

China Stock Market Crash

Look for a daily higher low to form who's stronger gold or silver the answer is gold although that we did gain some ground for silver at the end of the day but what we have here is a bear break with no follow-through a bear break with no follow-through which is keeping the gold bulls comfortably ahead of the silver bulls at this point that being said that's also a double top now so we're gonna look for a tightening range see what the twelve hours doing whatever timeframe you find the most clarity on we're looking for a tightening range to dictate short-term direction on who's stronger of the metals bull miners huge gap up open lots of profit taking we're in an hourly downtrend low of the day was our hourly higher low we failed to break the high of the day

And then on increasing bear volume we dropped to a lower low so an you GT which is inversely correlated to spy is weaker than spy today it's inversely correlated significantly but that hourly downtrend while spy is not in an hourly uptrend that's a notable difference the long-term resistance of 45 10 we want to look at the non leveraged ticker of GDX because time decay is a factor why does that matter look 30 96 we broke it 

And you GT didn't come close to breaking it that's time decay at work - why you always want to be charting levels on non leveraged etfs there are many times where I will trade a leveraged etfs off of the non leveraged levels oil bounced right winds 5 ounce today significant correlation on the bounce and the bounce was stronger it was a v-shaped move where as spy started v-shaped it had a little hourly or a little 5-minute higher low 

And then continuation the oil move was just bulls but we're still an hourly downtrend we have broken some hourly resistances but we must hold 50 43 and break 5165 to change the hourly trend back to the bulls natural gas looking for a daily higher low deform no sigh of it at this point and then above 180 is a daily high or low hourly trend change has to take place we had an hourly equilibrium a bear break with no follow-through Bulls have to break one eight six five and one eight eight four for the daily high or low to be set that's where we stand in the overall markets come join us in the chatroom if you want to talk about markets today was a very fun day I love live streaming on days like today lots of discussion going on thanks for tuning in do good things we'll see you tomorrow have a good day so I converted my dining room into a grow room because who needs a dining room these days so I install the light 

And stow far I'm starting peppers and celery and tomatillos and eggplants tomatoes will come next gotta start some flowers soon some yarrow and some lavender and I might install another one up here and that way in the winter I can grow stuff as well so about two weeks ago there was one lone frog out here croaking by himself and I ended up putting the speaker's out here and putting some other frogs on quorum to do is clearly early and alone but he found somebody because that is a big stack of frog eggs it will eventually turn into tadpoles in a couple weeks and we'll see if they're able to survive in this moving water last year I didn't see any tadpoles in here but there were also chemicals in here last year which I stopped using early flowers as elderberries getting its first leaves on shout-out to chart guys members jungle funk and Joshua who came over and stayed for a week and helped me plant a bunch of these bulbs so they're all coming up around the walkway and we did this whole patch over looking the pond as well and some of these are starting to come up in flower really early.

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