Idris Elba Movie

Idris Elba Movies Cats

Hats is the newest Film from director Tom Hooper and it is based off of the 1981 Andrew Lloyd Webber musical of the same name this film follows a tribe of cats who must decide yearly which one of them will ascend to the heavens side layer and who will come back to a new life on July 18 2019 the world cracked in half I don't know if you knew that but it did

Idris Elba Movies Cats

That's because Universal Studios debuted their first look at their upcoming cat's film in the form of a trailer and the world went insane everyone was both immediately disturbed and confused at what their eyeballs were seen and I can tell you after seeing this movie firsthand in its entirety I don't think that that line of thinking has really changed too much for myself now I have never seen a live performance of cats so going into this movie I didn't really know too much about the story

And I'm glad that I didn't because I think even if I did I don't think that really anything could have prepared me for what I was about to experience on the big screen and that's because Tom Hooper's cats is so impossibly bad and such an incredible failure that it's kind of spectacular to watch from start to finish seeing how I really had no idea of what the narrative of this film would be there was no way that I could have possibly known that this movie really isn't about anything we have our protagonist Victoria who arrives on the streets of what is I assumed cat London and she is introduced to a bunch of feisty felines that also roam the streets

And they introduced her to a bunch of wacky characters who live throughout the city and that's pretty much it because I think every scene in this movie could be described in saying that Victoria is somehow introduced to a new wacky character they sing a song about their personality or their habits and the song is usually centered around their own name they part ways Victoria is introduced to another kooky character they also sing a song

And then they do this for about two more hours and then the credits begin to roll and it's once I began to notice this pattern that I found it really difficult to get invested in this movie because there's no real development for anyone in the film and said this film ops to tell what is our sixth ended metaphors regarding the afterlife but I think the problem in encouraging your audience to dive a bit deeper into this movie is that you're making them continue to think about the movie cats but honestly though I found this movie to be absolutely dreadful

Idris Elba Movies Cats

Idris Elba Movie

I don't even want to begin to be thinking about what this movie may or may not be saying this whole movie is just the same scenes repeated over and over again with some good to average songs sprinkled throughout it but the thing is I don't think I can even attribute some of the very mildly successful things that this film pulls off because for example the songs of this movie are nearly 40 years old this movie only introduces one new song that is performed by Taylor Swift in this movie well I'm convinced that the only reason that she is in this film is so the studio can say just that Taylor Swift is in this movie she shows up for however long the duration of the song is

And then she kind of just leaves she introduces the antagonist of this movie who's been around throughout the entire duration of the film and if we're being really honest here no amount of extended metaphors or catchy songs are able to fix the fact that my eyes are bleeding throughout the entire movie now look yes I understand that musicals are on the upswing lame is was a huge critical success as was lala land and the greatest showman made way more money than it deserved to but I think we can all agree that maybe making a live-action cats movie that follows a gang of kittens on the street of London that may or may not be an extended metaphor for the afterlife directed by the guy who made a King's Speech and stars Jason Derulo probably wasn't the best idea 

Idris Elba Movie

And worst of all I think Universal knows that that's why they put it on the same week in his Star Wars because they're actively trying to bury this movie can't be honest after seeing this movie I can't blame them so did you guys see cats what did you think about it leave your thoughts and opinions down below and as always guys thank you so much for watching today I hope you liked today's article.

MzB B2

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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