Corona Virus Tips and Latest News

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Hi guys black scout survival I've got a lot of questions in emails and things like that the past few days asking about the coronavirus and so I thought that I should just do a article people just asking me what they should do kind of like what's going on with my thoughts on how to protect against it so we give you three things three tips so the Corona Virus you don't know has come out of a Wuhan China you know there's been over a thousand confirmed cases

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Five here in the US and those five people came from the Wu hen and China and so that's Arizona California Illinois Washington and this is as of January 26 so that's the confirmed cases is it a pandemic now could it be we don't know you know but basically right now in my area the flu has been horrible and so I've been kind of taking these precautions anyway you know I mean I feel like with a little girl and it also wouldn't get her sick you know cuz flu can kill infants and you don't even have to take that risk so anyhow give you three tips first off we're gonna start off with staying home you know I think that's pretty self-explanatory

And it's easier said than done right and I'm not saying you know don't go to work don't go to school whatever you're doing you know but mitigate the risk so if you're not you know if you don't need to go out to eat you know if you don't need to go grocery shopping or shopping get you know pick up you know a lot of places are pick ups now you can order your stuff that you need online you know my family's been doing that lately just or anything so I'm not going out to eat cooking more at home things like that mm-hmm just to kind of protect 

And not put myself into situations you know even we don't haven't even been going out as a family like you know my wife Robert trade one of us goes out you know make sure we kind of decon hold us we get back and it sounds silly but haven't got the flu you know and or coronavirus if it was to get bad you know the thing is any kind of pandemic maybe maybe not is it you know so I'm gonna be the coronavirus it could be something else and you can think all the stuff silly you'll be the guy that's in the hospital bleeding out your face you know getting put in body bags so um I'm just joking but you know I'd say these things serious you know cuzuh people are nasty people don't you know take care of themselves you know they're not clean just to the bathroom people aren't washing their hands you know I've seen it just as well as I'm sure you have as you know don't travel you know obviously vacation stays I go in the airport some you may have to travel for work so uh I think two weeks ago I had to fly out I was hired by a television show to go up work with them so I had to fly and have a choice so uh but what I did do was carry a mask you know a little I want those psychos in the airport you know Oh see these psychos but the thing is I don't care I don't care what anybody thinks about me I care about me.

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

My family you know the n95 is what's recommended and off sale recommend that as well we keep a sleeve at home in case so I comes over to the house of sick any of us and the family is sick they're wearing you're wearing a mask in my house you're sick you're wearing a mask you know well I've got sick she's wearing a mask it's my rule so uh that's how it is so going along segue into the next portion is protection we're masks you know protective equipment gloves things like that glasses you know of what I've read is that the corona virus can be you know passed off up to seven feet

And you know a lot of victims don't even show that their symptoms within the first few days so they can have it and be passing it around and not show symptoms um whenever you're at a gas pump you know this is something that no I thinks about you touching that pumps my six just rub their nose and snotty and touch that thing right before you did let's go ahead and eat so use gloves use a paper towel whenever you go get your Big Mac from McDonald's I'm just kidding get the you know get some pepper tiles in your vehicle you use that the whole you know you know hold the gas pump touch the numbers all the sort of things though you're not passing getting all those germs

And bacteria from other people you know people are nasty like I said just just take a look around people don't cover their mouth then you know there's snot all over their frickin hands for touching you know the door handles things like that don't touch door handles you know you use a paper towel use gloves whatever like I said I don't care if you think I'm weird whatever I'm not the one that's gonna be dead you know disinfect your gear when you get home like your cell phone obviously you know studies show cellphones are disgusting anyway but uh you know sanitize those keys anything that you may be sitting down you know around maybe your sunglasses whatever you're sitting down at different places you're going sanitizers items sanitizer door knobs at home you know keep people from out of here out of your house it's not you know doesn't need to be there they may be sick you know I actually had a some guy coming to do some work in my house so he was sick I told him just get we're gonna reschedule you know you're not coming to my house so I just just do those sort of things you know in the Marine Corps you know we did not touch our faces in boot camp 

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

Corona Virus Tips and  Latest News

I'm I'm sure you know a lot of Marines remember that you know it's a discipline thing but it's also the fact is you not such a face you got you run a bunch of nasty people and everybody's uh you know getting sick you know you say sick a lot of times in a boot camp that's how it is a lot of you guys that know and then even various schools after that where you're like crowning a barracks you know

And everybody's nasty so we're on a ship tell me about that ship flu you know educate is probably one of the biggest ones cuz you know you can do all the stuff in the world when your kids are school and they're around all those nasty other kids you know or daycare or wherever they're at your wife's at work your husband's at work and they're not taking these precautions educating them on these precautions you know let them know that hey this is about protecting us

And who cares if people thing is weird you know I'm not saying they do this year round but while things are nasty do it you know and so you know in going on with the work being sick one thing I had a boss one time and he was like uh you know hated people being off work for being sick you know obviously I was super on you know the mission is the most important thing so one guy comes to work he's sick he's got the flu next thing you know everybody's got the flu you know

And the missions not going to accomplish them it's stupid don't be one of those managers you know if you got a position of authority that you can you know control these things sin they that a guy or gal home let them recover you know and don't get the rest of the team sick you know who's a selfish greedy mindset let him go home you know don't don't affect the mission affect team you know stupid but manners should do it you know so if you're in that position don't do that okay look out for your guys to come for your team it'll better help me mission anyhow guys hope you enjoyed this video I'll put the CDC link so you stay up to date with all the details below.

MzB B2

Author & Editor

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