Nirbhaya Case Latest News Current News

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

with that line and saying this is the rarest of the rare cases death needs to be given to the net our rapist now at 1:00 p.m. finally we shall know what happened the last leg of the judicial journey in the nude Navy our case the rapists need to be hanged

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

Nirbhaya Case Latest News Current News

That's what our demand has been Richard joining us from the newsroom Richard we saw the short very important points made by the Solicitor General it's clear that they're demanding death nothing less than death and the argument that they've said God Christ this girl could not be saved monsters were born it's clear now it's time for death for nearby rapists absolutely rhythm in fact these are very strong words 

And arguments that the Solicitor General's ducharme Mehta has made he bigoted began the saying that gods will hang their heads in shame for not being able to save nearby and creating these monsters he went on to say that these are rarest to the rare case clearly making his arguments his his arguments were not very long as that of the accused lawyer but it was very short

And he in fact signed off saying that God's cry that this girl could have been saved and also that monsters were born so no mercy should be given in this entire matter clearly making a stand clear that there should be no mercy given to these accused they must be hanged and soonest as we all have been you're at Republic also demanding that they should be in fact given the strictest of the state punishment

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

All these four accused must be hanged in fact 1 p.m. is when the searing will begin the verdict will be given by the Supreme Court on the review petition plea filed by the accused one of the accused that's when we will really know what the court decides on this entire matter and also another observation coming in from the Solicitor General here when he says this is just a delaying tactic that's been there in the court the court the Solicitor General has made a point where he says

And I'm going to read that point out there is delay in filing of this case the lawyers for the accused are trying to delay the inevitable they file some petition then they file mossie and then they were draw it I urge your Lordships he's urging the top court to decide this at the earliest taking his points into consideration the top court of the country has now said 1:00 p.m. in nearly less than one in the half as the final verdict on the review please going to be coming in from the top court our fingers across that this final hurdle will be crossed the review plea will be dismissed a ghastly attempt by the lawyers

And by the rapist akshay taco to try and delay the system further the words that have been used by the Solicitor General right now clearly spark off the kind of anger that is being felt across India he's not even arguing about what has been stated by near BIA but ap Singh's arguments were one mother gets some solace other forum others lose their sons this is revenge the real culprit is the society ridiculous arguments that continue to be given by AP saying the court heard them but very interestingly the Solicitor General of India didn't even find them worthy of comment he's not commented on it the only thing to solace the general has right now said it is the rarest of the rare case no pity needs to be shown here some people should not have been born there are crimes when Humanity is put to shame 

Nirbhaya Case Latest News

Nirbhaya Case Latest News Current News

That for me is the real essence of a 1r hearing on the review plea that comes out from the Supreme Court when Humanity is put to shame and monsters are born and young innocent girls cannot be saved justice needs to be done this seems to be the sentiment that is being echoed by the Solicitor General of India who makes an appearance in the nearby review case

And says give death at the earliest dismiss this case at the earliest viewers at Republic TV there have been two demands that we've been having on rapists hang the rapists now the hashtag hang rebel rapists and secondly we've been saying there has to be a live telecast of this so that heinous crime that was committed by them is clearly shown 

And people are able to see what's happening in the case let's also tell our viewers that in the near via case today in the morning we saw beastly arguments being made by lawyer AP Singh but inside a jam packed courtroom that was hearing the nearby a rapist plea when he spoke about air and water pollution some people some lawyers could not stop laughing I only wonder 

And I'm going to try and get a sense of whether Asha Devi and madrina ji are going to be coming here right now but the only sense we are getting is of immense pity for certain lawyers who can make these garbage arguments as we are waiting for that verdict let's also tell our viewers that in fact I'll also go across to Nalini who is joining us on this coverage to get a sense of what happened inside court room not only you heard the arguments what is the shock that you felt here. 

MzB B2

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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